Making the XmlSerializer output alternate values for simple types
Given a class like this:
public class Student
public int SSN = 555555555;
public decimal GPA = 0.1;
public bool cool = false;
public DateTime birthday = DateTime.Now;
public long Height = 80;
The XmlSerializer will output XML like this:
As you'd expect. Note the standard 8601 DateTime and the word "false" for the boolean element "cool."
However, what if you want to output "bar" for false and "foo" for true? Here's one way that we've built into some code generation templates. The trick is that the actual boolean that the developer accesses is marked as XmlIgnore, and a parallel string value is marked with and [XmlElement] attribute that changes the name of the serialized element.
1 using System;
2 using System.Xml;
3 using System.Collections;
4 using System.Xml.Serialization;
5 using System.IO;
7 public class SerTest
8 {
9 public static void Main(string[] args)
10 {
11 Student[] students = new Student[2];
13 students[0] = new Student();
14 students[0].SSN = 555555555;
15 students[0].GPA = 0.1M;
16 students[0].Height = 60;
17 students[0].cool = false;
19 students[1] = new Student();
20 students[1].SSN = 555554444;
21 students[1].GPA = 3.1M;
22 students[1].Height = 160;
23 students[1].cool = true;
26 XmlSerializer mySerializer = new
27 XmlSerializer(typeof(Student[] ));
29 StreamWriter myWriter = new StreamWriter("Students.xml");
30 mySerializer.Serialize(myWriter, students);
32 myWriter.Close();
33 StreamReader myReader = new StreamReader("Students.xml");
34 Student[] somefolks = (Student[])mySerializer.Deserialize(myReader);
35 }
36 }
38 public class Student
39 {
40 public int SSN;
42 public decimal GPA;
44 //It is assumed that the values "FOO" and "BAR" are put here by
45 // a code generator, so it's not that big of a deal that they are
46 // duplicated in this code. Just trying to cover all bases.
47 [XmlIgnore]
48 public bool cool
49 {
50 get
51 {
52 if (coolStringValue == null || coolStringValue.Length == 0) return false;
54 if (CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant.Compare(coolStringValue,"FOO") == 0)
55 {
56 return true;
57 }
58 else if (CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant.Compare(coolStringValue,"BAR") == 0)
59 {
60 return false;
61 }
62 throw new ApplicationException(coolStringValue + "
is neither FOO (true) nor BAR (false). This is an invalid state for this boolean.");
63 }
64 set
65 {
66 coolStringValue = (value ? "FOO" : "BAR" );
67 }
68 }
69 [XmlElementAttribute(ElementName="cool",DataType="string")]
70 public string coolStringValue = "bar";
72 public DateTime birthday = DateTime.Now;
74 public long Height = 80;
75 }
This code listing outputs this XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ArrayOfStudent xmlns:xsd=""
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Why not use an enum for the coolStringValue (coolEnumValue) to encourage strong(er) typing? Additionally, if your class was used in a web service (as many people reading this post will) the possible values will be 'discoverable' in the WSDL...
public class Student : IXmlSerializable
public int SSN = 555555555;
public decimal GPA = 0.1;
public bool cool = false;
public DateTime birthday = DateTime.Now;
public long Height = 80;
virtual public void WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer)
virtual public void ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader reader)
Which version is cleaner, easier to read, easier to maintain, faster, no generated assemblies, and completely collocates all XML in/out logic?
I’m advocating for years: toss attributes/assembly generation overboard right from the start. It never works. It can’t work by definition on good designs.
Comments are closed.
Eventually, I went with Daniel's tip (, took apart the produced serializer code, cleaned it and rolled it into a codegen template. It's a hassle, but every approach I've looked at has some insanity to it. Having a public string field hanging out of a class makes me nervous. :|
Thanks again!