Scott Hanselman

Malaysia - Day -2 wrapping up

August 23, 2003 Comment on this post [2] Posted in DasBlog | TechEd | Speaking
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TechEd Malaysia...T minus 2 days.  Had a lovely day today.  Saw my buddy, the Aussie, Adam Cogan.  Chatted with Stephen Forte on MSN, but haven't seen him yet.  Can't get my IPsec VPN to work behind whatever firewall they are running here, but not to worry, I'll figure something out. ;) 

Spent the day with a local friend seeing all the things you wouldn't normally see as Joe Tourist, which was very cool.  I'm posting pictures up at as they come.

Please, do note the copy of Windows 2005-ish, aka Longhorn that was on the shelfs for 15RM which is like US$3.90, and the Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition heavily discounted from it's US price of $4000 to only 5RM or $1.31.  I saw this kind of piracy last year, and even though it's been clamped down on in the last few months, it's still ridiculously blatent.

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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August 24, 2003 7:38
Love it: Portland Electrical Company -- a sub of PGE? ;)
August 24, 2003 13:12
Welcome back to Malaysia!

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