Mix 08 Sessions available in new dual-stream versions using Silverlight
I posted the month before last that the Mix08 Sessions, mine included, were up and available at http://sessions.visitmix.com. I posted links to the MP4, WMVs and other downloaded versions at the time as well. The Silverlight versions were the same versions, so there wasn't really a compelling reason to use Silverlight.
What I didn't know, however, is that they (the powers that be) not only recorded the slides and demos, but also had cameras going at the same time. They did some post processing (on hundreds of sessions) and those new "dual stream" sessions are up and available online in Silverlight. One stream is a camera on me, and one is the slides and demos.
I'm fairly physical, so I really prefer my talks if you can see me. If you haven't seen the MVC talk before, you might enjoy watching this new version. You can see a screenshot below. If you click the screenshot you'll go directly to the site.
UPDATE: It looks like the servers are having trouble keeping up, but they're working on it. For now, don't select a chapter or you might be in for a wait. If the streams start, for now you'll just have to watch it straight through until they've fixed it. It's working well for me if you just let it play.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Sorry Scott. Your pose in that still made me do it. ;)
That is the perfect excuse for not adopting it. How about throwing out that line.
ie. I never saw any marketing for Webforms that said 'not for everyone' It was more like 'this is the best thing ever and you can't be without out...'
c'mon, don't undersell the MVC :)
MS don't need to sell MVC and they are right not to. Those who want it, already know they want it. For them, it's like being given a pint of cold continental lager, after spending years in the desert flaying themselves with a piece of rusty barbed wire. No more do they need to cower at the feet of another ALT.NET blog post telling them that "...documentation is coming soon, in the meantime TDD and StructureMap your Windsor before NHibernating all over your NUniting-HTTP". Now ALT.NET can stick it in their pipe and JQuery it.
Anybody with a lot already invested in ASP.NET *Classic* will not want to see Hanselman and Co. saying "ASP.NET MVC is the nuts. It's much better than ASP.NET and if you don't use it, you are so a Mort.". That would alienate the development community that has spent years getting to grips the the postback model and putting Page.DataBind() in every event handler they can find until the page works. Not to mention the fact that it would tick off all the companies that have a bunch invested in ASP.NET classic.
Of course, their is also the minor point that Scott is telling the truth. It is a choice and there are times when it is better to use one over the other. Oh and another thing. The MVC code is still pre-raphaelite (just past CTP) so they shouldn't sell it too much yet as they might get bored and start working on ASP.NET HAL 9000.
yeah, me too.
I'm also looking forward for Opera support, I mean come on, it really is the best browser for your daily surfing.
*Tongue in cheek mode on*
If Opera is not working on the site you are surfing....is it really the best browser for your daily surfing?
*Tongue in cheek mode off*
There are alternate formats available, there are links in top of Scott's post to those downloads.
@alberto - Yes, there's downloads for iPod, Zune, etc.
@pete and @cruster - I'm looking into Opera support. I'll report back soon.
I agree with Steve, it makes it very hard to sell management on adopting the MVC technology when Microsoft is saying its "Not for everyone".
Having more choices is great, but should we consider an untestable framework (WebForms) a viable choice for new web projects going forward?
PS : I would really love Opera support for Silverlight too. It was promised back then when Silverlight 1.0 was launched.
That would make an all singing & dancing Media Center on the Wii one step closer :-)
Anyway, either using Flash or Silverlight (or javascript/AJAX), you should try to provide the best possible alternative for your users. That's what accessibility is about.
this will help other people to find links more easily.
i recomment this application to submit urls.
I really hope you do come back with some news on that Scott.
I know it's rather of topic, but I can't get rid of the feeling that ever since Opera sued IE the silverlight4OP dev has been put on hold.
I really want to dig into the whole silverlight stuff, but as long as it's alienating most browsers, I don't think it makes much sence to invest any time in it.
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