My Weekend
My buddy Ramesh, a TS at Microsoft Malaysia and one of the organizers of the now legendary TechEd Malaysia was in Redmond this weekend and took the train down to Portland to hang out with my wife and I. Here's a picture of us at Ski Bowl up on Mt. Hood. This was his first time seeing major snow (a few flurries in Redmond once) but this was serious snow (for Oregonians). There was a couple of guys who were filling the back of their truck with a snow man they were planning to transport to Portland's not-at-all-snowy Westside.
We hung out, played XBox Live, bought a copy of Unreal Tournament for a ridiculous $25 at EBX, went to Fry's. You know, standard geek stuff. :) Happily my wife Mo was very supportive of the whole overly techie weekend. :) We also went to a go-cart track and played some putt-putt golf. Generally a fabulous weekend.
Monday, I'm off to the Campus in Redmond for meetings Monday and Tuesday. Now that I've got Radio (sucks) running at home on a mirrored drive (which offers scarce little comfort) I'll be able to blog remotely by VPN or mail-to-blog.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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