Scott Hanselman

NewsBreak RSS Feed Reader and Podcasts on PocketPCs

March 07, 2007 Comment on this post [9] Posted in Reviews | Tools
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If you're looking to read feeds on a PocketPC or SmartPhone and listen to podcasts, there's a number of choices. NewsBreak 2.0 just came out, and this site's feed looks pretty decent on it.

While this blog renders pretty nicely on a PocketPC due to DasBlog's mobile support, the site isn't very bandwidth friendly, nor, of course, is it available offline.

The screenshot on the left is the site in PocketIE, and the screenshot next to it (and the one at far right) is my blog's Feed in NewsBreak. Notice that NewsBreak uses ClearType in its reading view - not sure why that's not working in PocketIE or in NewsBreak's view showing list of posts.


It also supports podcasts, which is pretty sweet. I'm still evaluating options, but seems to be that $8 for a piece of software is pretty cheap. It supports PocketPCs and SmartPhones.

For now, NewsBreak is US$7.95 until it's not, then it'll be $19.95. Check it out.

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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March 07, 2007 12:22
Hi Scott

Pocket PC Central has updated the page you link to ( so it no longer contains an entry for Newsbreak. And why didn't you just link to the makers of Newsbreak, Iliumsoft ( They also make the excellent Listpro app that is rapidly becoming essential on my PDA.

March 07, 2007 12:25
Addendum: The PocketPCCentral link should have been

March 07, 2007 19:59
Sorry, copy paste error...fixed.
March 07, 2007 20:04
Thanks for mentioning NewsBreak Scott -- I'm looking forward to using it to listen to your next Podcast.

Thanks to you too Ebbe for your kind words about ListPro. And you're right, you can find out about NewsBreak directly on our site at

Ken Morse
Ilium Software
March 07, 2007 21:54
Of course you have to pay for the data transfer to keep this updated. :(

Once I get my bluetooth support syncing this update that would eliminate the cost, for the phone at least. What do you know about syncing this sort of RSS data to a phone via bluetooth?
March 08, 2007 0:30
NewsBreak supports updating feeds on a Windows Mobile device (Pocket PC and Smartphone) via WiFi, ActiveSync or your cell connection (using whatever data plan you have) Brennan. If you connect to your PC via Bluetooth and ActiveSync then you should be all set. NewsBreak even has an update option called "When ActiveSync available" to restrict how updates are started.
March 08, 2007 5:14
Google reader does mobile. I need to find a nice blog writer for th mobile pc.
March 19, 2007 3:20
Can anyone recommend a blog reader that will allow you to download your subscriptions and then read them offline(disconnected)? e.g. I'm in LAX about to board a 19hr flight to Taiwan, I want to download all my favorite blogs and read them, disconnected, on the plane.
March 19, 2007 9:44
I really like FeedDemon as it has an explicit "work offline" mode, like IE.

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