Nicest. Email. Ever. Totally Made My Month.
Hey Scott, this is [Joe Smith]. I was a student in your C# class at [College] a few terms back. I just wanted to thank you for going with the format you did in class, i.e. teaching more general software engineering know-how than just C# syntax. I was given a shot at a summer internship at [Company You've Heard Of] through my junior project teacher, and the interview was mainly based around things like XML, NUnit, Nant, source control, and C#. I think I can safely say that if I hadn't taken your class I wouldn't have had a chance in that interview. In reality, however, I was prepared. I got the internship and completed my first assignment (bosses estimate: 3 weeks) in 4 days, unit tests and all. As of this [week] I am a salaried employee, writing mainly Xml parsing/generating tools in C# for internal use.
Your class was a HUGE factor in getting me here, and I just thought you might like to know.
Thanks again,
- [Joe Smith]
Now playing: Alicia Keys - How Come You Don't Call Me
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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