Scott Hanselman

North African Developer's Conference is on!

January 31, 2004 Comment on this post [4] Posted in NDC | Africa
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It's offical, Mo and I are going back to Africa, this time to Morocco to see my good friend, the very kind and and talented Moroccan RD, Abdelmalek Kemmou, to take part in the North African Developer's Conference, Casablanca edition.  Malek just got back from the Egypt NDC and had a blast.  Herr Clemens shall be arriving the day before us so it's guaranteed we'll have a great time.  Malek's (and Africa's) hospitality is the stuff of legend.

I may pick up this shirt for the trip (image at right).  Anyone have one?

I might take a few ComputerZen T-shirts and merchandise along as prizes.  They're selling, which is cool.  I should get someone to make me a cooler logo.

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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January 31, 2004 13:17
Thank you so much Scott for the kind words. Actually, if you wear that T-Shirt (except from making people laugh because the arabic sentence is in feminine voice), will make the customs and police at the airport go tough on you ...
So, here is my side: Sorry, my king is a just a kid. I did not vote for him ...

Great Logo though ...
January 31, 2004 21:18
Hey I just bought a lunchbox! I like your logo.
February 02, 2004 4:18
Ich bin Idioten meines Führer ein traurig.
Ich wählte nicht für ihn.

March 16, 2004 0:21
BTW, russian version of "I didn't vote for him" is in female form.
Is it what really you need? :-)

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