Scott Hanselman

PDC 2008: BabySmash Preparations

October 26, 2008 Comment on this post [16] Posted in BabySmash | PDC
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As I've mentioned before, I've got a talk at PDC this year, it's "TL49" and it's called "Microsoft .NET Framework: Overview and Applications for Babies." It's on Monday at 5:15pm in Room 411.

The baby aspect is really secondary, mostly because BabySmash (and what I do with it in the talk) is Not Northwind. This was the strangest Microsoft talk I could sneak past the bosses without them noticing. It also crosses over into other talks and many other products that I'll mention as the week goes on.

Stressful times...I'm nervous because:

  • I've never tried to do some many complex and intertwining demos at once.
  • I've never had so many people help out to make it all happen.
  • It may suck.
  • I've got like 7 hours of content to fit in 75 minutes.
  • I've forgotten completely what I'm talking about. ;)

I hope enough people show up. Starting to get the pre-show jitters!

Here's a teaser of what we were able to accomplish at Tim Huckaby's Party tonight in San Diego. More soon!


(That's Clemens Vaster's daughter and yes that's what you think it is. Tim has one at his house. Crazy.)

See you at PDC!

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About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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October 26, 2008 20:21
Wow, I'm not sure I'd let my kids near my $10,000 coffee table! :)
October 26, 2008 21:09
Finally, the killer app for MS Surface! "BabySmash Surface"! Where do I sign up? :)
October 26, 2008 21:33
Do I really want to run an app on an MS Surface called 'Baby Smash'?

Thoughts of Barney Rubble's son Bam Bam go racing through my head...
October 26, 2008 22:03
Dude, that's crazy... I want BabySmash for 360/PS3 and Wii
October 27, 2008 7:33
Cool..Will this talk be available for download later?
October 27, 2008 11:54

kept my 2.5 year old going for way too long. Now I can't play on my computer anymore...

If you need someone for the dutch translation, give me a yell :)
October 27, 2008 19:30
more like: baby SMASH!
October 28, 2008 5:40
I had a friend there at the party who worked on some surface apps. Somehow when he mentioned you also attended I instantly knew babysmash was going to end up on the surface before he even told me you had set it up. My 10month old daughter loves it!
October 28, 2008 7:06
Presentation went great, very enjoyable. Definitately edutaining
October 28, 2008 8:49
This was the best presentation I attended today. It really could have been used as a launching point for the rest of the day's/week's sessions. From your broad survey of the technology stack I would have been able to pick and choose which bit of the 'food court' I wanted to sample from. Seriously, your affable and yet serious manner was the perfect antidote to any canned presentation material I encountered. My only complaint was that it was at the end of the day and I had to be in the overflow room. Good job.
October 28, 2008 9:18
Hi Scott,

Saw your PDC session today, what a great story! It was Pure Evil! Just wondering, saw 'diwali' on your today screen when you showed the mobile BabySmash, do you and/or your wife also celebrate this event? My wife comes from India and celebrates it but your wife is from Zimbabwe right?

greetz Marco (and a hello from the +5 guy from the elevator in de Sheraton)
October 31, 2008 12:34
Hi Scott,t's beautiful and funny...
November 02, 2008 4:27
Very nice, funny and interesting :-)

~~ Dave
November 04, 2008 0:09

Watched your talk on the web. I thought it went great. Congrats on getting that done, it must have been a lot of work.

Quick question about your talk. You mentioned, briefly, some C#/VB.NET contracts -- e.g. requires some string not to be null, etc. Kind of design-by-contract. You said briefly in your talk something like, "this kind of contract checking will be available in the next version of... of Visual Studio" (about 20 minutes in)

Could you elaborate on that a bit?
November 04, 2008 0:51
I really enjoy'ed your talk excellent work!
November 06, 2008 2:15
heck my daughter managed to crash my pc playing baby smash (she pinged a few keys off the keyboard too), letting her loose on a 10,000 table.......

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