Physics and No-Touch Deployment WinForms
Folks who know me know that I've been going to school in the evenings on and off for a decade++. I'm at Corillian by day (and sometimes at three in the morning!), but by night (T/Th/F 6-10) I'm usually in class. Many a day I've ran from the airport straight to a lab - actually last week I ran from the launch event to class, with only 5 minutes to spare.
Being the wonk I am, I usually look to integrate .NET into anything I do. In my recent Group Dynamics class I gave a presentation about my intercultural experiences presenting .NET topics at TechEd Malaysia. In my Operating Systems class, I was the only guy to write the Tiny Abstract OS using C#.
Anyway, I'm currently in the final term of Physics and Calculus. While the current topics are Electromagnetic fields, we're expected to turn in a final project of some kind. Some folks are rolling cars down hills, or riding elevators, or playing with lasers. However, when I think Physics, I think No-Touch Deployment WinForms, don't you? I mean, who doesn't. Our teacher oftens goes online and shows us all classes of Java Applets that demonstrate particle dynamics and various Physics concepts. I noticed that she had no problem finding all the Java examples she needed, no doubt due to Java's deep entrenchment in academia.
I decided to write up a little application that would solve a problem we worked on a lot last term. If you take some amount of water of a certain temperature and some amount of ice at a certain temperature and put them together, some amount (or all of the) of ice melts and the water is left at a final temperature. My little quickie app calculates all of the energy and heat involves and presents the results in a fairly dynamic way. It should run in 1.0 and 1.1 and should launch out directly from the browser. It certainly requires a little extra thought around issues like security. While my IceMelter isn't as polished and cool as Wahoo! it was fun to write and helped me apply what I know (.NET) to something I don't (Physics).
You can play with IceMelter if you like.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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