Possibly the solution to my Backup Problem - the Iomega Rev Drive
So, I just ordered this on the spot. I talked to Ken Getz and I think he's ordered one too. It may put Iomega back on top.
It's WAY smaller than you think. I played with it at the Iomega booth. It's a 35 Gig cartridge (and of course you can compress it. I wish they wouldn't sell it as a 35G/90G cartridge. Hell, if I just stored text files it would be a 35G/1T cartridge. But I'm storing already compressed JPEGs and Digital Video. Dorks.)
It's USB 2.0 - which I'm digging. It's just Firewire, but it's USB. ;) After being screwed by the Windows Firewire stack twice, I'm trying USB 2.0.
The thing that sold me on this Rev is simple: They keep the Drive Heads out of the cartridge. You can toss the cartridge around (it's very solid) and the heads stay in the drive itself. It's really like a Zip Drive, except 35 Gigs - and the cartridge is only $50 each. That's awesome. I'm going to backup and SAVE EVERYTHING.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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.... just my thoughts......
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