Rapid Fire Blogging
Well, we're back from Malaysia, and I'm officially on my first vacation in recent memory. I've had a couple of bloggable things on my mind, but I've been limited by time and internet access.
I arrived home and checked my hanselman.com email from my home machine. (I'd been checking my email remotely with OddPost, which is only the greatest remote email client since, well, ever.) I use POP3, as I don't trust my server enough to use IMAP, and I leave the mail on the server and retrieve it from three or four different locations and client. We were gone for 10 days, and as I hit Send/Receive I notice the status bar informing me that I have 1784 emails. Seems a smidge much for only 10 days. Of this mails about 1600 were spam and the remaining ~180 were legitimate emails that I'll need to deal with.
That's it. It's whitelisting time. I refuse to deal with this much spam. For the last few months I've been using Spamnet, but I can't justify paying $1.99 a month to prevent email I didn't ask for! So, I will now use the Junk Mail features in Outlook 2003 to automatically JUNK all email until I've added emails to a local whitelist.
Next step is to look into a server-based whitelisting system for all my hanselman.com email account users and family members. Anyone have any suggestions?
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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