Scott Hanselman

Ready Set VSNET Chris Kinsman A hrefhttpwww

December 05, 2002 Comment on this post [1] Posted in Web Services | ASP.NET | XML | Bugs | Tools
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Ready, Set, VS.NET

Chris Kinsman, Chris Sells, Bill Vaughn and I spoke at Ready, Set, VS.NET in Redmond yesterday.  Bill, ChrisS, and I are the "Microsoft Regional Directors" for the Pacific Northwest.  It was a long day for me indeed, waking up at 4 and taking a 6am flight to Seattle, getting on campus and talking at 9am.  Sigh.  I'm NOT even remotely a morning person.

NOTE: The Portland Show is only $60 and it's Dec 11th, so if you haven't registered, come check us out!

Anyway, I presented in the ASP.NET/Web Services track with one session called ".NET Framework: Shaken, not Stirred, with a twist of ASP.NET" and a reprise of my talk "Web Services: Behind the Music."

For the attendees I said I'd post the tools and widgets and code and such I used in these presentations, so here they are.  For those of your who've seen parts of this list before from other presentations, note that I've appended additional tools and goodness at the end of this one.

The Tools I used in the Presentations

Be sure to get Yasser Shahoud's book Real World XML Web Services

Also, take a look at DocumentLocator from Columbia Software (Free Demo Available).  It's a document management system for small or large offices, and it uses SQL Server 2000 as the back end.  It's got a snazzy namespace extension to Windows Explorer so your files look like any others.  There's also full Office integration, support for versioning, and they're working on a Web Services interface.  Very nice stuff with the potential to get even nicer.

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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October 13, 2004 23:15
Hello Scott, I'm a long time reader, first-time commentor (is that a real word?). Anyway, I'd like to ask if you have any favorites when in comes to Powerpoint templates/backgrounds.

Thanks and regards,

Jose Manners

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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in any way.