REMINDER: Register TODAY for the Fight Diabetes with Halo 3 Big Screen Party
Just a reminder if you're in Portland or SW Washington that now is the time to register for the Halo at Cinetopia for Diabetes Party. You need to pre-register and please, do tell your friends and family! Let's fill it up!
We're renting out TWO SUPER HIGH DEF (2048p) 50 foot Movie Theaters and playing Halo. There will be soda and popcorn and pownage. Eighteen and older please.
The Glory and Wonder that is Cinetopia just over the bridge in Vancouver.
The event is this Thursday, October 11th from 7pm to Midnight.
Your donation of $25 or more at the door will go straight to the America Diabetes Association. You can also pre-donate and bring your printed receipt to the door. We have room for only 120 people so register today!
Register for this event at with the RSVP code "FIGHTDIABETES". The event is Thursday, October 11th from 7pm to Midnight.
Note that the banner in the upper left of the reservation site does mention the “PRELAUNCH PARTY 09 24 07” even though the center box shows “10/11/07 – Cinetopia”. Just make sure to use the right RSVP code.
Because it's Halo. And to Fight Diabetes.
We'll see you there!
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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See you there.
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The event sounds awesome and it seems like it's going to be a total success. I wish I was near the area so I can attend. Best of luck.