Scott Hanselman

Ridiculous MSN Messenger 6.0 Bug - anyone want to pass this on to the team?

August 01, 2003 Comment on this post [4] Posted in Web Services | Bugs
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Here's a particularly special bug, because this represents my FIRST experience with MSN Messenger 6.0, which I installed and my friend Adam's urging.  :)   That's Adam in the upper right corner.  What's that in the lower right corner you ask?  Well, that's not me, but a reverse image of my USB TV Tuner.  Apparently Messenger doesn't feel like enumerating the more than one video sources available on my system.  Be aware!

A picture named msn60camerabug.JPG

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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August 01, 2003 19:22
Scott, you may want to use Photoshop or even MSPaint.exe to blank out Adam's Passport address. Some people might actually take that as an invitation to go add Adam to their contact list. :)
August 01, 2003 19:56
If you run through the Audio/Video Tuning Wizard and select your webcam as the video source you shouldn't see this problem. (I'm assuming it's Win'XP from the attached image). After you select your webcam anytime you unplugs/re-plugs the USB webcam device you'll need to re-select the device in the Audio/Video tuning wizard. Otherwise, the Audio/Video tuning wizard might default back to another video source on your computer.
July 08, 2004 0:50
Same problem here (with PCI tuner and USB2.0 cam), only the 'select source' roll-down is inactive (greyed-out). Hmmm...
September 16, 2005 2:36
Same problem, what's more, you can go through the AV tuning wizard as many times as you like (as suggested by the webcam settings screen) to select the proper webcam input. Makes no difference, still uses the video capture input from the tvtuner card. Frustrating.

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