Salem, my Salem
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Sigh...I don't mean to sully the high-class content you've grown used to, but here's an article in the Salem, Oregon Statesman Journal that had me chuckling most of the day. This is the kind of hard-hitting journalism that we Oregonian's look forward to.
Beavers no match for Trojans
It is USC's seventh consecutive game in which it scored 40 or more points...
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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December 10, 2003 2:08
Just goes to show that the papers print what people want to know about. Not necessarily what's newsworthy. I so much enjoyed watching the international news while I was in Thailand. I never knew how much I was missing until I saw the world from the other side of it.
Jason: Re-read the headline, but this time, think like a 15-year-old. ;-)
Scott: Send it to Leno!
Scott: Send it to Leno!
I can't tell if I think the headline is funnier, or the fact that you actually read the Salem Statesman :)
What blows me away is that I try to bring you guys up-to-date and compelling technical content and expect erudite comments to start up, and it's THIS kind of post that gets > 5 comments. :) Carl Franklin has like 556 comments on his UI thing now. Sigh. ;)
Boy I feel like a dork. I guess my mind wasn't in the gutter. Definately... Send it to Leno.
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