Silverlight Samples
There's a lot of Silverlight in the air right now. I haven't seen the 'net abuzz like this since FutureSplash Animator. ;)
I've been collecting links to samples out there. Since Silverlight is all text (XAML, JS, etc) there's a whole world of copy/pasting out there just waiting for us (developers) to create Green and Purple blinking abominations like we did with Visual Basic 3.
I'm enjoying XAML, but I'm not at the point where I'll do it all in a text editor like Chris Sells or all in black and white like Charles Petzold, so I'll stick with using Expression to draw my XAML for now. I've also I haven't gotten my brain around the object model yet...I can't remember who said it, I think it was Bret, but they said it, and they are awesome:
"Drawing with code is like painting over the phone.
Here's links to some of the choicest samples that I've been viciously copy/pasting from after Getting Started and viewing the screencasts and the Silverlight Comparison Chart from Alexander Strauss:
- Lutz's Silverlight
- Monotone - Reminds me of the demo scene on C64
- Digger - really a Boulderdash game clone
- Inplay - MP3 player. Listen to Hanselminutes if you like.
- DLR/Dynamic Silverlight Samples
- There's a pile here, make sure you get the DLRConsole. That's a version of the demo John Lam did. You can run the DLRConsole in your browser here. It lets you code in JavaScript or Python, all CLR-compiled and in the browser. Requires Silverlight Alpha 1.1.
- Silverlight Gallery
- Beta 1.0 Samples - SilverlightPad is a must see, as is PageTurn
- Alpha 1.1 Samples (my preference)
- Silverlight Airline Demo
- Socializer
- Silverlight Chess
- Silverlight Clock
- Scribbler - great for the kids
- Sam Ruby's Silverlight Workbench
- This side-by-side demonstration will likely only work in FireFox with Silverlight for now, and Sam talks about why. He's created a client-side SVG to XAML Converter. It's a start, and clearly a harbinger of things to come.
- Inline SVG in IE - This demo shows how an island of SVG in an existing document can be translated info Silverlight, allowing us to potentially use Silverlight as a proxy-SVG plugin, enabling inline SVG without Adobe's no-longer-supported Plugin. His javascript shows the SVG on Firefox, and Silverlight on IE and he says "Same source works on MSIE 7.0/with Silverlight on WinXP, Firefox on Ubuntu, and Opera 9.20 also on Ubuntu"
- The Fantasy Baseball demo and source from the Mix Keynote
I'm sure the coming months are going to bring lots of good samples. I also want to dig into OpenLaszlo, JavaFX, and Apollo, as well as Flex. Does anyone have contact info for Ted on Flex? I'd like to do a show on Flex for Hanselminutes.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Has it occurred to anyone in the celebration of Silverlight that it is little more than Flash? 90% of applications written in Silverlight are bound to be annoying animations. Besides most of what is being offered could have been done via the ActiveX Document project option that was present in VB6 days.
The only thing that sounds remotely interesting is the ability to place a 1x1 pixel Silverlight object and control the HTML DOM in a managed way. But even that sounds like one hell of an overhead.
I am just not excited about it as others are.
OK .. great toys ... show me some samples that actually do something useful?
I'm so glad you said that <s>. I feel the same way. I've been off and on with XAML for a couple months now and I still feel like a Noob for anything basic, much less putting together something that looks cool. And Silverlight throws even more of a wrench into things because it's presentation object model is a small subset only and lots of necessities missing. Amazing to me people can create stuff like the airline demo or the Top Banana thing just out of graphics primitives.
Looking forward for your perspective on all of this... see 'ya tonight.
Ted has a "contact" link from the web site that goes to linked in. Here is the direct link:
However, if that fails e-mail me "off-blog" and I can probably dig up a direct e-mail address.
As I write this, it does seem that there may not be too many options available to us other than mix the two, but then again, some of the people who read this blog are very smart and hopefully can help out.
There's a pretty good collection of samples too.
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Silverlight runs for me with IE7 and not with Firefox
With FF2 I get just a blanco page. I have some html inputs like textarea and inputbox. Some simple sample's works with FF2 but I think the problem is that html input.
Does anyone know how to solve this?
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Works in IE 7 though...