Speaking at TechEd 2006
Cool, Patrick and I are confirmed to speak at TechEd 2006 in Boston. We're talking as part of the architecture track and I think (hope) that our session's title stands out amongst the crowd and generates some buzz:
Dirty SOAP: A Dynamic Endpoint Without ASMX - How and Why?
If you saw my TechEd 2003 Presentation called "Learning to Love WSDL" (IE only) you might find this new presentation interesting. The system that Patrick, I and others have designed for Financial Services is on version 2.2 now, and our strictly contract-first in-proc system is evolving, as planned, to support SOAP, POX, remoting, Tivo :), and all sorts of things. This system was designed to be, in some ways, future proof, with Indigo in mind. Our developers design their systems with XSD, WSDL (with our custom binding) and code generation and write code like this:
BankingServiceProxy banking = new BankingServiceProxy();
GetAccountsResponse res = banking.GetAccounts(new GetAccountsRequest());
if (res.Success)
AccountCollection accounts = res.Accounts;
foreach (Account a in accounts)
print(a.Balance); //or databind, etc...
This puts our developers in a nice familiar place (they've been doing things like this for ~2 years) when Indigo rolls along.
The presentation talks about how we are creating dynamic service endpoints for SOAP and POX, all in .NET 1.1, without ASMX and why we'd want to. (Remember that not everyone uses 2.0 and banks are conservative!) We'll also talk about the (currently being taken) next steps for 2.0 and and world of WinFX.
If you're in or around TechEd this June, be sure to say Hi!
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Is there any way to download your TechEd presentation? the one you are linking in this note, and if possible the code generation one... because they ROCKS!
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