Scott Hanselman

Speaking at the OCCA - Home Server and Zero Email Bounce

August 29, 2007 Comment on this post [5] Posted in Speaking
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I'll be speaking at the Oregon Computer Consultants Association (OCCA) tonight at 7pm-8:30pm. A no-host dinner starts at 6pm. The meeting is Free and Open to the Public.


"Join Scott Hanselman for a two part presentation:

First - Let go of the psychic weight of the 10000 emails in your Inbox and enjoy the bliss you can get with "zero email bounce." We'll talk about what that is, and how you can implement it in your daily email workflow, in Outlook, or in Gmail and other clients.

Second - We'll talk about Windows Home Server. Scott's been beta testing WHS for the last 6 months and living with it day to day. We'll see what it offers, if you should build or buy and what it provides over one of the off-the-shelf NAS solutions."


Rheinlander German Restaurant
5035 NE Sandy Blvd
Portland OR 97213  (view map)

If you're in the neighborhood this evening, I hope to see you there!

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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August 29, 2007 9:25
Wow! Great presentation. I've never seen anyone type 100 wpm while talking at 3 or 4 times as fast. Who needs Powerpoint? Scott types his notes into Notepad and with a projector you can see what he's saying.

Scott: Thanks for coming.

To those who couldn't make it: Next time, be there.
August 29, 2007 22:06

We can be there if we had a longer notice or was it mentioned before?
August 29, 2007 22:15
Nope, my bad, this post some how was stuck in drafts and came out late.
August 30, 2007 4:49
I second that! Yes, more notice would have been good :)
August 31, 2007 3:15
I would have liked to hear your comments about Windows Home Server. Any chance you can summarize your talk in a blog entry?

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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in any way.