Scott Hanselman

Tablet PC scoop

October 29, 2003 Comment on this post [2] Posted in
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I'm at an undisclosed location with the Avalon Team and given the light of some new information, I'm (and you) should wait a month before buying a TabletPC.  The new Toshiba will have 128megs of Video RAM.  I'd like to have my TabletPC support Longhorn, and this was just the information I needed.
Scott Hanselman - Corillian Corp
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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October 29, 2003 11:32
128MB of video RAM.. the ideal Longhorn alpha platform? Guess I know when my Tablet PC is going to be replaced... :P

Reading about Avalon is bringing tears to my eyes EVERY SINGLE TIME. I've been wanting a layour for applications which I can create in notepad like HTML ever since the first release of the IE DHTML object model. ( And now staring at my face is something I've only DREAMED about! ;) I can't wait to get my longhorn kit!
October 29, 2003 21:19
That sounds good, but will the quality of the display be any better? My Tosh Tablet has a very poor display 'sharpness' and has to be very meticulously positioned to avoid reflections compared to other laptops, and looking at the booth the others seem the same. Is this indicative (sp?) of the 'layer' that is used to sense the pen ?

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