Take your Windows Terminal and PowerShell to the next level with Terminal Icons
I'm having a blast customizing my terminal and making my prompt awesome.
- How to make a pretty prompt in Windows Terminal with Powerline, Nerd Fonts, Cascadia Code, WSL, and oh-my-posh
- Taking your PowerShell prompt to the next level with Windows Terminal and Oh my Posh 3
- How to use, open, resize, and split Panes in the Windows Terminal
- What's the difference between a console, a terminal, and a shell?
- It's time for you to install Windows Terminal
I thought it was lovely when I added Oh my Posh 3. But now that I've seen Kayla Cinnamon's terminal MINE IS HIDEOUS!

Ok, what can we add? MOAR ICONS.
Turns out that Brandon Olin from StackOverflow has created a Terminals Icons package that is *chefs kiss*. Go give this man 1000 stars, please.
Given I'm using the completely overpowered "caskaydiacove nf" Nerd Font Variant of the lovely Cascadia Code font, I've got all the icons I need ready to go!
I just install. (I'm using PowerShell 7 from the Windows Store, but remember PowerShell is cross platform):
PS> Install-Module -Name Terminal-Icons -Repository PSGallery
And then add one line to my $profile (edit with "code $profile"):
Import-Module -Name Terminal-Icons
Now look at a directory, use dir, ls, or get-childitem, it doesn't matter...AND BEHOLD:

Thanks Brandon and Kayla! Great stuff! What customizations have YOU made?
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About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Thanks for sharing! I've been using Oh-my-posh for some time, and really enjoy the additional visual aid it gives me, specifically when I'm navigating my local git repos.
With the addition of more icons like these, I can already see the improved readability when jumping between terminal tabs and folders. 🚀💻
I've shared your post with some friends who I know will appreciate it!
All the best,
My terminal was overdue for a complete overhaul
Now it looks more useful and easy on my eyes.
For people with draconian policies on their work PCs that restrict running as admin you can install with CurrentUser scope:
PS> Install-Module -Name Terminal-Icons -Repository PSGallery -Scope CurrentUser
I realize there are dependencies like C++/WinRT, XAML Islands (UWP XAML) for our UI. and using DX/DWrite for the text renderer. Hope Kayla/Windows Terminal team would take a serious look at it.
thanks for sharing!
Do you have an alternative Font (cascadia code style) without ligatures, just PL?
I got Cascadia Code PL (2102.25) installed and also the Terminal-Icons module. However the powerline glyphs are rendered as squares on my terminal. What could be missing?
Love your love towards the terminal.
I started writing myself just recently and realised that many blogs merely rehash old ideas but add very little of value. It's terrific to read a helpful article of some genuine value to me.
It's going on the list of factors I need to replicate as a new blogger. Reader engagement and material value are king.
Many good suggestions; you've certainly made it on my list of blogs to follow!
Continue the fantastic work!
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کنیز نمی توانم با این مقاله لگن خواه موافقت کنم چون معرفت کافی در زمینه این مقاله و بلاگ ندارم
I've just started blogging very recently and observed that lot of articles simply rework old content but add very little of worth. It's good to read an informative write-up of some actual value to myself and your other followers.
It's going on the list of things I need to emulate as a new blogger. Visitor engagement and material value are king.
Some fantastic thoughts; you've absolutely made it on my list of sites to follow!
Carry on the excellent work!
All the best,
سلام . کهتر قسم می خورم که این مطلب
فصیح است و شاید هیچ کس نتواند پیغام مشابه بوسیله این
مطلب را در وبلاگ ذایع کند چون بی
حد کامل است
I got Cascadia Code PL (2102.25) installed and also the Terminal-Icons module. However the powerline glyphs are rendered as squares on my terminal. What could be missing?
@Uchitha Ranasinghe, please get and install Nerd Fonts from https://www.nerdfonts.com/. The equivalent for Cascadia Code should be Caskaydia Cove.
Just wanted to say I love reading through your blog and look
forward to all your posts! Keep up the fantastic work!
A simple C:\mytools directory copy lands all my no-install needed tools and the rest is plain Windows.
@Uchitha Ranasinghe, please get and install Nerd Fonts from https://www.nerdfonts.com/. The equivalent for Cascadia Code should be Caskaydia Cove.
Let me just add that the "magic string" that you need to set the terminal fontFace property to is "CaskaydiaCove NF", case sensitive.
@Scott Thanks for making me like my terminal ;-)
I started writing a blog recently and noticed that lot of articles simply rework old content but add very little of value. It's good to read a beneficial write-up of some real value to myself and your other followers.
It's on the list of factors I need to replicate as a new blogger. Reader engagement and content quality are king.
Many fantastic thoughts; you've certainly managed to get on my list of people to watch!
Continue the terrific work!
I started writing a blog recently and noticed that lot of articles simply rework old content but add very little of value. It's good to read a beneficial write-up of some real value to myself and your other followers.
It's on the list of factors I need to replicate as a new blogger. Reader engagement and content quality are king.
Many fantastic thoughts; you've certainly managed to get on my list of people to watch!
Continue the terrific work!
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