TechEd 2004 - My Birds of a Feather session was approved!
Looks like my Birds of a Feather session for TechEd 2004 was approved…Be there or be square! I’m not sure how this format works, but if they have a projector I’ll show some of the extensions to CodeSmith that we’ve written. We generate about 100,000 lines of C# code per implementation here at Corillian. We’ve extended XML Schema with our own attributes and have effectively replaced XSD.exe for our company. It will be fun to discuss these kinds of efforts.
BOF09 Code
Generation: So What? 20 years later and we're still writing the code ourselves.
What can we do to generate code? How can technologies like XSD, CodeDom, XSLT, CodeSmith
and others save us time as developers?
23-May 7:00PM Room 15A
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Although I would certainly like to have one for showing off some CI stuff. If you figure out where to get one, let me know.
I think they should make AV available, just encourage you not to use it unless necessary to reinforce a particular point in the discussion. But alas... I am but a voice in the wind.
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