TechEd - Code Generation WebCast - REPLAY
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I gave my TechEd 2005 talk as a Live Webcast this week. 135 people came, so that's cool. The recorded Webcast session is available here. Click the register link on the left of that page, log in via Passport, then you'll be able to view the webcast with LiveMeeting. There's also a regular WMV Video you can download.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

About Newsletter
September 01, 2005 3:06
Any chance of making it avaliable later as a download? I'll be on my way to Vienna but would love to see it..
You should be able to download the webcast 24 hours after it was done. If you go through the main webcasts page for that day and you should be able to see it and download it. You will have to register for it though.
Tried the link and after registering, I can only see a link to a Live Meeting Replay, which goes to a View Recording.
Can't find any download option :-(
I want to download it, as I tried to view it live, but couldn't get the audio to work :-(
Can't find any download option :-(
I want to download it, as I tried to view it live, but couldn't get the audio to work :-(
Doh !!
You have to select view recording and then there is the option to download
- sorry, I don't think that's exactly intuitive
You have to select view recording and then there is the option to download
- sorry, I don't think that's exactly intuitive
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