Scott Hanselman

TED: Blaise Aguera y Arcas: Photosynth demo

May 31, 2007 Comment on this post [7] Posted in Musings
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What a cool conference I wish I was going to...

"TED started out as an annual conference in Monterey devoted to Technology, Entertainment and Design."

...everything about their site, their style, their recordings, their conference is fantastic. Even their Session Schedule is a work of art and an experiment in User Experience Design. Their TEDGlobal 2007 conference is in Arusha, Tanzania, next week. We spent this last Christmas there...I wish we could be there again for this event.

If you're any kind of nerd I hope you've checked out Photosynth before...if not, check it out now, or watch the Video of Blaise Aguera y Arcas presenting Photosynth along with Seadragon at Ted this last March. There's going to be some really interesting possibilities as innovations like this converge with new form factors like Microsoft Surface.

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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May 31, 2007 12:08
Oh yeah. That is totally awesome. Note that you can subscribe (in iTunes or your favorite aggregator) to their videopresentations and get them automatically to your machine as more and more get published.

I could make a list of my favorite talks, but it would be just too long. Hans Rosling's talk on MindGap and world health is worth mentioning though.

May 31, 2007 15:48
Too bad the conference is already sold out, both this year and 2008. A similar (yet smaller) conference is <a href=">PINC</a> (People Ideas Nature Creativity). They've had some interesting speakers over the years.
June 01, 2007 10:19
One cool thing to note is that the SeaDragon technology will ship in Silverlight - so you'll be able to take advantage of that broadly.
June 06, 2007 3:23
Scott, that's fantastic, I was just searching for the answer to the question of whether Silverlight would support SeaDragon technology. Great news!
June 06, 2007 3:29
Imagine applying the same idea of navigation of photos to locating all users in the world that are watching the same movie at the same time that you are? Then you can get that community experience of having shared watching the season 1 finale of 24 for the first time, with others who are also newbies. Commercial breaks would be opportunities to chat about something that happened. I guess by taking snapshot in time of the frames of whatever someone is watching, especially through Silverlight Streaming services would be easy enough and then use SeaDragon and other Photosynth technology to link related frames which gives you users in time that also watched that video, and when. So the problem was that you watch something cool but have no one to laugh with about it ... it's cooler to talk about something someone just watched an hour ago than last year, for instance, so where are those people, pop them in and out of my instant messenger life just long enough for us to share that moment, so to speak.
June 06, 2007 4:56
This may also be great for code searching ... often you are looking for abstractions so that's the higher resolution, you can actually visually see structure in code that is similar, yet serves an entirely different purpose and collerate related code based on structural simularity.
June 06, 2007 4:58
Oh yeah, when I get an error message on screen, take a screen shot and search the world for it, find a match and a trail to the resolution. So many possibilities.

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