Scott Hanselman

TestDriven.NET 1.0 Launch - What are you waiting for?

November 30, 2004 Comment on this post [1] Posted in NUnit | Bugs | Tools
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It just kills me - literally tears me up inside - to watch people with both NUnitGui and Visual Studio.NET open who painfully switch back and forth, opening DLLs, attaching to processes, and generally cobbling together a sense of TDD.

Tell me you wouldn't rather right-click and say "Run Test" or "Test With...Debugger."

You may have used NUnitAddIn, which was a godsend. Today, Jamie and team launched TestDriven.NET 1.0 with full support for NUnit, csUnit, MbUnit AND Visual Studio Team System.

Naysayers may dismiss TestDriven.NET as a simple Add-In with modified right-click context menu, but there's much more than that. You run your tests in their own runner process, which gives you side-effect free testing. If you have different projects using different testing frameworks, their tests are all runnable with the same right-click/"Run Test" experience.  You can right-click on a single method and debug it. I love it.

You can run tests with NUnitGui, sure, but the Visual Studio integration goes very deep. I even show this integration in sales meetings. When you hit Build, the output window's combobox says "Build", of course. When you "Run Test" you'll see "Build" then "Test" immediately. This is what folks were aiming for when continuous integration and TDD.

I literally don't know how I managed before TDD, and you'll have to pry this free tool from my cold, dead hands.

Thanks Jamie and Team, this is great stuff.

I particularly like the last question in the short registration/survey, and I wish more people would ask it!

  • How did you answer these questions? (it will *not* be held against you!)
    • I answered them honestly
    • Randomly to get to the download

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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November 30, 2004 1:20
I'd rather hit F5 and build and run in one step. That's what I have set up with NUnitGUI (in truth, I have to hit the Run Test button). Well, I guess that's just a key assignment, right? I haven't used TD.NET enough to have developed a preference for it, but it seems like a winner. One thing is that it requires a much larger output window than I normally use, I see you have your IDE basically divided in quarters. I'll have to play with the layout some.

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