The Technical Friend's Essential Maintenance Checklist for Non-Technical Friend's Windows Computer
I visited a friend today and noticed their computer. Of course I did, that's what we do. It was, as are all non-technical computer friends' computers, a 3 year old gray Dell mini tower with a 17" flat screen. In fact, these are the ONLY computers that non-technical computer friends own, you know.
I was there to visit, but I'm genetically incapable of NOT doing a system's check on an old PC. "How can these people LIVE like this?"
If you are reading this blog, you have been in this very situation. Perhaps your wife is waiting in the car to go home even after a lovely dinner with your couple friends and you'll be there in "5 minutes" but you're actually hypnotized by the defragmenter, trying to influence the hard disk head's pixel indicator with your mind. Which sector is next...damn! Immovable!
It's a dance, what we do to our friend's computers, isn't it. It's a dance we done a thousand times, but one that is comforting in its steps. Not surprised, nothing unknown, just maintenance. We've said one day we'll write a script, one day we'll create the ultimate batch file to do all this, but until then, click, download, install, update, rinse, repeat.
- RAM RAM RAM - I've got sticks of the stuff. Today my neighbor had a 512meg machine that was just sad to look at. I've said before, a machine with too little RAM is a three legged dog. You know he's gonna get where he's going but it's hard to watch. I had a couple of gigs of PC-5300 in the car for some reason and I just added it and got them up to 2gigs. Minds were blown.
- WEI: Window Experience Index - I've gotten into the habit of pressing 'WindowsKey+PauseBreak' on any new Windows Machine to take a look at the Windows Experience Index. It's the number that will tell you, reasonably and quickly, how much your friend's old computer sucks. The top score is currently a 7.9. Usually these machines are 3s and 4s. The important part is the the score is the lowest scoring component. The best part is that most of these low scoring components are cheap. $50 for some RAM, $50 for a new HD, $50 for a decent Video Card. Update the crappiest part. Again, chances are you have better hardware lying around in your junk drawer than does Non-Technical Friend.
- Update Drivers - Non-Technical Friend always has a piece of hardware that doesn't work correctly, usually a printer, sometimes an All-In-One scanner/printer/fax. Almost always getting the right drivers solves it. Help them out.
- Windows Update AND Microsoft Update - They usually haven't set Windows Update to automatically install updates at 3am, and they never have clicked "Yes" to get updates for other Microsoft products. (You have to opt-in.) Visit on machines before Windows 7 and run the Windows Update applet on Windows 7 and setup updates for Microsoft products (Office, etc. as well as Windows.) Make sure they've got the latest Service Packs for Windows and Office.
- Anti-Virus - When I visited my friend today I was surprised to see that they had Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware software installed. Always a refreshing surprise. However, they had several installed, and they were fighting. They had AVG, Windows Defender, PC Optimizer, SpyBot, and two other playfully named "anti-spyware" applications as well as four browsers toolbars. I uninstalled the whole lot and installed Microsoft Security Essentials. It's simple, lightweight, solid and free. It's also free on up to 10 PCs for Businesses.
- Uninstall anything evil - If you want to get a quick look at what's on a machine and uninstall LOTS quickly, look no further than NirSoft's My Uninstaller (download). Remove Toolbars (they think they need them and they never do and won't miss them), and anything that looks like it might destabilize their system. I check out toolbars, add-ins, etc.
- By the way, everything that NirSoft does is pure gold. Love him and appreciate him.
- Update Stuff that can't Update Itself - I usually install FoxIt Reader or at least update Adobe Acrobat and Flash. I updated their Firefox 3.6 (!) to Firefox 6 and installed IE9.
- Backups or at least DropBox - I always ask "Is your stuff backed up" and they always say "I have been meaning too" or "On my thumb drive last month." I should start charging folks to install DropBox. In this case, I thought about Mozy but my friend really just needed some documents backed up so now they've got DropBox with 2GB free. Windows Live Mesh is another decent option if they are Hotmail/Live Messenger users. Regardless, for goodness sake, get their data to the cloud!
- Tell them about Security - Wanna freak them out? Ask your friend for the last four digits of their social security number (or national id) then hit the Start Menu and search for it. You'll almost always find Excel files, Word documents or PDFs with their super-private information. I've often found scans of their actual id cards. This trick also works with their credit cards. Teach your friends to not keep personal information on their machines.
- Teach them about History - Avoid looking at Non-Technical Friend's browser history or searching Google for anything that starts with "a", "p" or "s." You don't need to know Non-Technical Friend that well. Perhaps come up with an excuse to teach them about Private Browsing or "Incognito" if you're cool like that.
- Teach them about Passwords - Explain how passwords work to your friends. Suggest they use pass phrases, add complex characters, stop saving their passwords in the browsers. If they are cool with it, clear their passwords in their browsers and suggest a password manager.
- Cleaning - Explain to them the importance of cleaning (or burning) their 10 year old keyboard. Computer keyboards are dirtier than toilets. That's a fact I just made up and I'm totally sure it's true. Get that biomatter off your keyboard and mouse. You wouldn't lick your keyboard but you'll type it on for hours then touch your face. You nasty.
- Blow the Dust out of their System - It's just the right thing to do. Seriously, keep a bunch of Cans of Air Dusters in your car. I do. Get out the vacuum at your friends house, give them proper warning that it's gonna get NASTY up in here and open up their computer. Chances are this is the first time it's ever been open. It's probably got that "there's a weird sound in the back" groan that's indicative of dust in the power supply. I can't tell you how many times I've just jammed a pencil in there just to get a computer to SHUT UP.
- Defrag - Of course Windows has its own defragmentation program but I love the MUCH better Auslogics Disk Defrag
- Startup Programs - Get AutoRuns (or RegEdit to HKLM\Software\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run) and clean up all the random stuff that's starting up but they've forgotten why. If they are slightly technical, suggest Soluto for fixing their startup issues.
- Tidy Up - Non-Technical Friend typically has some toolbar - perhaps an Explorer Folder or something - pinned off to the far left side of their screen and isn't sure how it got there or how to get rid of it. Clean up these things.
- Crap Cleaner - It used to be called Crap Cleaner but now it's tamely known as CCleaner and it's the only "cleaner" I trust. I also run Disk Cleanup (as Administrator) that comes with Windows.
- Resolution - Non-Technical Friend always has a 17" LCD with a native resolution of 1280x1024 but runs their system at 1024x768 and never understands why everything looks blurry. Save them.
- - Show them how works and explain that their Technical-Friend-Who-Isn't-You can help them in the future remotely to tidy up and do routine bits and bobs without needing to come over.
Finally, give them a hug and tell them it's OK. What are your favorite maintenance tasks while visiting Non-Technical Friend, Dear Reader?
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Great post to book mark.
Usually doing some other maintenance helps as well: if they have Gigiabit ethernet and are used to copy stuff between computers, enable Jumbo Frames and see the looks on their face when achieving 35 MB / s copies :-)
May I ask if you still have your WHS
Do I want to know what "a" stands for?
Do you think it is a bad idea to store copies of IDs and Passports on the PC?
I mean I thought it would be a good idea to put a copy of them in Dropbox so I can access them in case of emergency if I was abroad.
Perhaps a warning should be added to the "Blow the Dust out of their System" section. A friend of my actually managed to blow a hole straight through his motherboard by vacuuming the pc. The metallic end of the (metalic) cleaner touched a component on the motherboard that probably still had some electrical charge and BOOOM. A 2inch hole straight through.
So a) don't touch the actual computer components
b) use a plastic vacuum cleaner if possible
c) unplug your computer from the power grid.
Just my 2 cents.
@Scott: However, the importance of backups notwithstanding, DON'T put other people's data in the cloud without getting their informed consent. Maybe you don't :-), but that's how this reads! Make sure they understand they'll be entrusting a company (and all its employees) with the security and privacy of their data, and increasing their attack surface. I know their own box is probably the bit most at risk; that doesn't mean they shouldn't be aware of the additional risk associated with the cloud. Whether the tradeoff is worth it is their choice, not yours.
It's the best remote desktop app I know of and it's particularly non-tech-savvy friendly to launch. I use it to support my old folks constantly.
Otherwise, you can convince them to use the paid edition which allows backing up to the cloud ($1.50 / month for 10GB, $3.00 / month unlimited). In some cases (relatives mostly!), even paying yourself for the service would look like a good idea :)
I'm not associated with the company in any way, but I've been using the family edition (10 pcs, unlimited storage) for a couple of years now and it's proven very, very useful.
The best thing is if you start building up machines out of your spare parts or old computer pieces and end up with a machine which is way better and give to them. On the next visit you realize that they are still using their old piece of crap, because they were not able to transfer there documents to the new machine or install some programs.
I simply installed CrossLoop on all machines of family members, in order to avoid to much travelling :)
My favorite person to do tech support for is my mum, she always does exactly what I say, provided I give her detailed instructions
Hey, some people keep a couple extra quarts of oil, and then some people have a few sticks of PC-5300. And maybe a spare 250 watt power supply or a 60mm fan for emergencies. I understand.
That picture is bad. I wish I could say I hadn't seen it before. I have a server in my house that I keep under a workbench in my basement. (Long story, it made sense at the time and I never got around to finding a better place for it once it was there). I opened it up after a couple years and the interior was completely encased in sawdust. I was shocked that it still worked. Took the shop-vac to it, and it's still running, now well into its fourth year at that location. The machine itself is a homebrew AMD Duron that's about 6 years old.
The robustness of this crappy hardware is often amazing.
I used to do machine control software in a factory environment, and having an industrial airline around was very handy for cleaning dusty machines. Always loved the fffwwwwWWWEEEEEE!! noise you get when you hit a fan with the air jet. You need to make sure your airline has a dryer and doesn't have lubricating oil injected though.
I've always heard warnings about using home vacuum cleaners, because of static build up on the nozzle. I don't know if this is true or not.
Finally, who else is old enough to have taken apart office PCs in the days when people smoked in offices? I am - just. Now that was /really/ nasty.
Take the machine outside and blow into the tube, using the other end as an air jet to blast the dust out.
Internal diameter needs to be right to get a good high velocity air flow without making it too hard to blow through. Length needs to be long enough that you don't get a face- or lung-full of dust without again being too hard to blow through.
I've used this improvised solution many times!
Why do people need and install all those toolbars also, my fathers a particular offender using incredimail (just checkout the crap that stuff sends people).
Several colleagues gathered around my pod today when i was reading this all nodding their heads and laughing, all had been in these situations. how does the non-technical friend crowd cope ?
Why do people need and install all those toolbars also, my fathers a particular offender using incredimail (just checkout the crap that stuff sends people).
Several colleagues gathered around my pod today when i was reading this all nodding their heads and laughing, all had been in these situations. how does the non-technical friend crowd cope ?
I thought other than the safe (firefree airplane friendly TSA approved) hibernation in windows 7, they also made it so that defraging was no longer necessary. Can you set me right on this?
Can you also help me figure out how to get live mesh to run on my local area network? It is advertised but is almost impossible to get working. Unless they mean backup all your local pcs to the cloud NOT within your network sans internet.
Thank you Scott.
Love the new site by the way (I used it for two days before noticing it).
I have a Thumb Drive with all the utility apps I need to quickly clean up a friend's PC without having to have internet access. And for those apps that aren't portable, I just have an archive on the drive with all the other installers I will need. The entire Sysinternals Suite fits nicely on a thumb drive.
It's a digital Swiss Army Knife!
Now he's going to have nothing but computer problems since you cleared out all the dust and cobwebs. Some friend you are -- that thing will never be the same again! Epic fail in a couple weeks....
Most computer come with a warranty sticker that says that the warranty will void if the sticker is damaged.
So, your non-computer savvy friend will never open the computer by fear of voiding his warranty.
For startup programs, I've stopped removing items from the Startup folder and the registry. It works, but prickish applications like anything from Adobe and Apple will recreate those shortcuts any time an update is applied (and for Adobe products that's like every twenty minutes). Instead I run msconfig and uncheck the items in the Startup tab. This will prevent them from starting and application updaters won't replace/reactivate them.
(If you've never used msconfig before, be sure to reboot after applying changes. On your first boot you'll usually see a warning prompt about startup changes - check the 'Don't Remind Me Again' box and click Ok)
What specifically did you find as far as these things conflicting/interfering/otherwise hosing each other? I typically run Avast and SpyBot and haven't had any problems or noticed significant redundancy. (I think I also leave Windows Defender on but all the Windows security notifications bleed together in my memory)
What are your favorite maintenance tasks while visiting Non-Technical Friend, Dear Reader?
I had not heard of before; I use CoPilot for remote tech support and training sessions and it has not failed me.
As for getting involved in the first place, I understand the obsessive-compulsive apparent need to rescue people from a degraded machine but I have found that it's far more mutually satisfying if I merely plant the seed in their mind that I might be able to fix their computer if the need arises. When they call frantically two months later asking if I could look at their "crashed machine" their gratitude after bringing the machine back from apparent death -- and refusing payment other than replacement parts -- does far more for our friendship than if I had become the "well actually" guy the first time and inserted myself into their computing life. Think of it like the "Prime Directive" in Star Trek: if they don't ask you to get involved with their computer then don't. You can play hero later but if you fix things proactively and they screw it up, it will be your fault. If they are totally screwed and you recover their machine, then even if they screw it up again you will only be seen as someone who can bring a machine back from death rather than the smarmy dude who did "something" to the box and now it isn't working right.
Look into Ninite ( for installing/updating software. I have an installer setup with all the basics (MSE, Firefox, VLC, Dropbox, etc.), so the only thing I need to do after re-installing/fixing Windows is to run Windows Update and change a few settings.
I am a loyal user of Keepass/Dropbox, but this XKCD comic has changed my view on how we should educate users on passwords:
To be honest I have given up somewhat on cleaning hard drives of programs, taking stuff off startup, run updates.... The first question I now ask is "Can I backup your documents and format your computer?" obviously make sure they understand what will be lost and what the benefits are. I keep a slipstreamed version of Windows 7 and XP ready to go and can generally have them back up and running in no time.
Perhaps we should just start a 12 Step program and support group for folks like us. "God grant me the serenity to leave my in-laws F-ed up computer as it is..."
I agree with Athtar about Ninite ( It is AWESOME!
Great post! Thanks!
Scott the data you moved off of the WHS was that videos/music only. Also you said not to save password/ID info on your system. but using some kind of password management software does the same thing.. right
Someone else, Crashplan does it secured your files at the system before sending to the cloud?
2. I like to use Revo Uninstaller to get rid of the crapware.
When their current Dell dies, I'll just recommend they buy the latest iPad and not have to worry about a PC for just checking e-mail, browsing, and checking the account balances.
What's nice is that the iPad is a solid state device and no fan or moving parts to worry about. And no Flash!!! C'mon HTML5!!!
I know all about karma and such, but do you ask your friend surgeon for a tummy tuck every month? Why should they ask you for a fix-up?
Many thanks!
After installation, it's easy to install weekly tasks to backup the whole system on their own.
Ok - it's not for free - but it's an excellent piece of software I never want to miss.
Augh, I will never forget the look on my grandmothers face as she attempted to figure out her new wireless mouse and keyboard could possibly be working without the wire!
You wouldn't lick your keyboard but you'll type it on for hours then touch your face. You nasty.
Just did a genuine lol. And got stares from my colleagues. Again.
Usage: "I went to a BBQ the other day, and you won't believe what my NTF was running. Windows 95. Seriously, the man is a dinosaur."
Great post!
If it gives much extra protection then I suspect that is due to low adoption. Should many start using this patern, I believe it won't be that high a bar to crack. I'm I wrong?
I've found bugs (the little insects I mean) everywhere. Might begin to sell them for some creepy collection or begin my own.
Some time ago I just received a computer that was restarting. After a bit of usage it just turns off and restarts. I got stuck with it for like 2 days until I finally decided to completely remove every piece of hardware there. Than I found the problem: the cooler was attached to the processor with GLUE. That white glue from everyday.
I just began wondering if it was another folk that did that or if it was my friend himself. I guess I'll never have an answer...
She is the person who besides the usual toolbars and other crap also manages to inflict other damage such as removing the win32 dir.
I made her carefully read the bluescreen with the xp license once. Now I only have to help once a year.
A quick check on most online storage prices above the free plan at amazon s3, dropbox, ubuntone, skydrive or whatever seem to vary between $140,- $ 200,- per month for 1TB. (Could not find prices for skydrive).
For a lot of non techie friends this is above budget for their music and holiday pictures. I do not want to spent that amount of money on offsite backup myself.
A solution involving dropping cheap portable harddrives or dvds with encrypted data at the home of family or friends seems to be more budget acceptable.
An online solution like the beforementioned Crashplan, Synology NAS's software or a homegrown solution may actually work and be more more budget friendly than the online cloud services. If you do not want to bother or trust friends you could also rent a VPS for about $20 a month with 1 TB (non redundant!!) storage.
I wonder whether storing backup in my car is a good idea? It is not parked directly near my home. Thinking second synology with wifi in the trunk of my car or even just dropping a box of dvds under a seat.
Although these products are not free (LastPass is if you don't want mobile or advanced stuff) they are well supported and do a great job.
I also bought a 16gb flash drive to test with Windows 7 ReadyBoost.
I appreciate the valuable info you provide us developers (MVC, etc.)!
it still amazes me why knowing the social security id could be a security risk in US..
In most countries in Europe, the national id number is public info, so even if somebody knows it, it can't use it for identity theft - no company or institution is asking only the SS ID for identification - always the original ID card or a passport have to be shown (both having a photo on them and being very hard to counterfeit) when a person has to be identified..
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