Things that make my life better...thanks for sharing
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Well, that was a nice little spike of traffic. A few random thoughts:
- Thanks to everyone for comments and author corrections for the tools on my List o' Tools.
- Too bad Radio doesn't appear to support Trackback/Pingback from 'Stories' or I'd know who's linking to me.
- I'll continue to update the tools list as I add more. I'll also try to categorize it one day.
- Note that I only keep favorite tools - no cruft, no crap. This isn't a list of "all tools" or "favorite tools" but rather "things that make my life better"
- Some folks commented that it was mostly Windows and .NET stuff. True, true. That's where I live now, but some tools/utils I didn't include were Grep for Windows and Cygwin and Visual Studio Power Toys, etc, as I didn't think they qualified as simple little utils, although maybe they do.
- I didn't include a utilities that are internal (either Corillian-internal or Microsoft-internal) although I wish I could. There's some amazing stuff out there.
- Now only if my list could get Scobleized by Robert's 18 readers...
- As I sit here and look at my Start Menu, that fills my 1600x1200 screen and runs off the right edge, I see at least 40 other great utils that AREN'T in C:/UTILS that I missed. I'll add them one day.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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