This Developer's Life 2.0.5 - Typo
Who cares about typefaces and why should you? Well, these guys do and you should start caring. Rob and Scott explore the world of reading online with one of the godfathers in the world of typeface and fonts.
In this episode we talk to Bill Hill, the bearded Scotsman who created ClearType and Geoffrey Grosenbach, notable typeface enthusiast.
I'd also like to encourage you to check out the last two episodes of This Developer's Life. We realize this isn't your typical podcast. It's not very technical, and it's not packed with information. We mean this show as an antidote to the usual technical talk shows as we try to dig more into issues and emotions that affect developers. We try to get to the center core of the developer and what makes them tick. Give us a listen and if you like the show, please review us on iTunes and Subscribe.
Download Episode 2.0.5 "Typo" here or listen online.
Also, please check out our last two shows you might have missed. We're very proud of how they turned out.
2.0.4 Taste
What is taste? What is style? Do you have it? Scott and Rob have no idea what it is or how to get it - but they know it's important. In this show they talk to a designer who flexxes his good taste for a living - and a developer who is committed to spreading good taste where he can.
- Michael Bach Designer at Microsoft
- Geoffrey Grosenbach Owner/Founder of PeepCode
2.0.3 Education
Scott and Rob discuss the value of a degree - and talk to two developers who used their passion to pull them through school and into their careers.
- Aqueelah Grant QA Specialist at Trimmer Media
- Seth Juarez Developer Evangelist at DevExpress
I hope you enjoy the show as much as Rob and I enjoy making it.
Again, big thanks to DevExpress. The bandwidth and other costs are picked up DevExpress and CodeRush! Visit them and thank them on Twitter.
This Developer's Life is brought to you by CodeRush for Visual Studio.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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But I agree DotNetDude , underline for link feels like so last year and doesn't really fit metro style web sites. But if you don't use underline , changing color , weight and maybe even font is essential I guess. ( maybe white just doesn't resemble an active / dynamic content )
Oh and also great topic for this episode , listening it at the moment!
RIP Microsoft ClearType Inventor Bill Hill
And like a true geek, he was hungry and excited to the end:
Normal Service Will Be Resumed As Soon As Possible
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