This Developer's Life 2.0.7 - Dinosaurs
You're so old! What a dinosaur! You're using old software and old languages to do old things! Or are you? Scott and Rob talk to David Sokol, Sean Bamforth and Pete Brown about Fortran, DataFlex and the Commodore 64. All these dinosaurs are doing useful work. Or, are they?
- David Sokol Fortran Programmer and dude with an AWESOME hover state on his home page
- Sean Bamforth Former Dataflex programmer and now beginning .NET guru
- Pete Brown Senior Project Manager, Microsoft and budding Thomas Edison
I'd also like to encourage you to check out the last two episodes of This Developer's Life. We realize this isn't your typical podcast. It's not very technical, and it's not packed with information. We mean this show as an antidote to the usual technical talk shows as we try to dig more into issues and emotions that affect developers. We try to get to the center core of the developer and what makes them tick. Give us a listen and if you like the show, please review us on iTunes and Subscribe.
Download Episode 2.0.7 "Dinosaurs" here or listen online.
Also, please check out our last two shows you might have missed. We're very proud of how they turned out.
2.0.6 Play
What do you do when you're not staring at your computer screen? What obsession grips you as you drive home? In this episode we ask David Heinemeier Hansson and Pete Brown this very question.
- David Heinemeier Hansson Creator of Rails and budding Racer X
- Pete Brown Senior Project Manager, Microsoft and budding Thomas Edison .

2.0.5 Typo
Who cares about typefaces and why should you? Well, these guys do and you should start caring. Rob and Scott explore the world of reading online with one of the godfathers in the world of typeface and fonts.
In this episode we talk to Bill Hill, the bearded Scotsman who created ClearType and Geoffrey Grosenbach, notable typeface enthusiast.
I hope you enjoy the show as much as Rob and I enjoy making it.
Again, big thanks to DevExpress. The bandwidth and other costs are picked up DevExpress and CodeRush! Visit them and thank them on Twitter.
This Developer's Life is brought to you by CodeRush for Visual Studio.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

About Newsletter
Seriously, though. From what I hear, the industry isn't too kind to us once we're out of our 30's. Looking forward to listening to this podcast, just to hear what others have to say.
Are programmers REAL programmers? Some are, some aren't.
Love the show.
Maybe it's just me (I listen to the podcast in the car and hence am not giving it my full attention), but I'd prefer a more background/ambient approach to the music whilst someone is talking the music in this episode.
Then again Tom above says:
The music was most of the time nicely mixed with the speech.
So prehaps it's not just me.
This balance of music to speech was better is this episode that any of the others I've listened to - normally to music grates on me. Maybe it's that much of the music didn't have lyrics to interfere with the speech?
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