Three all new Windows 8.1 video tutorials - what's new in 8.1, keyboard shortcuts, and managing windows
I'm really happy with the response from my "Windows 8 moved my cheese" YouTube Tutorial. It's helped thousands of people lose their fear of the change that Windows 8 represents. I encourage you to check it out.
I decided to sit down today and create three more short tutorials that all address Windows 8.1. If you find them useful, please share them with your friends, family, and the people on Twitter and Facebook you call your friends. ;)
I've created a single link to a YouTube Playlist that you can share, or watch them below.
Here's the How to use Windows 8.1 YouTube Playlist.
What's new in Windows 8.1?
Using Windows 8 or 8.1 with a Keyboard
Effectively Managing Multiple Full Screen Windows Store Applicatons
The 25 min Windows 8 Missing Instruction Manual (VIDEO)
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About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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As usual Scott, thanks for these videos. I always learn something new.
awesome videos! Even a person working on Windows 8.1 daily can learn something :-)
I was searching for the software you used to display your keypresses on the right side of the window, but could not find anything via Google.... er.....Bing... :-)
Could you provide a URL?
It could be coincidence that AMD processors seem to suffer this problem.
The loss of wifi means that I will not update the desktop since it's my development machine and I cannot afford for it to be down for any length of time.
Scott... Love the videos. At least I know what I'm missing! :)
I just looked at YouTube at his shorter video on Win8 and in the comments I see there's a guy from only yesterday still complaining about the missing Start button. I thought we've all moved past that by now.
Personally, when you can just hit the Windows key and start typing whatever you're looking for, I can't see why anybody would want the Start button back. And I'm baffle that Microsoft hasn't put up a video demonstrating why the button is no longer necessary.
So, I think that another short video that Scott would be superb with is a video on why you no longer need the Start button. Maybe several common tasks down on Win7 with the Start button could be demonstrated and then each time comparing it to how simpler it is in Win8.
What kind of window opens when you press the "cmd.exe" Icon in the taskbar? I could just see the awesome "lambda" ʎ symbol there.
On the desktop shift + win + <number> will open a new instance (no click needed)
In a metro app, win + arrow keys allows you to "snap" to the left or right, suspend (down arrow) or "maximize" (up arrow)
Win+tab will cycle metro apps, equvalent to the left hand menu, its also useful together with win+arrow keys for quickly placeing two apps side by side, the next app that is opened or selected will occupy the "empty" space
In the left menu (win+tab) you can also right click on an app to snap it left or right as well as close it
Another note, with two metro apps side by side, a small dash appears on the splitter indicating the one in focus. alt+tab will switch between the snapped metro apps (and any other windows) while win+tab will switch out all the snapped metro apps for the next "fullscreen" one.
Like in desktop IE, ctrl+tab will cycle tabs in metro IE
when switching between metro apps and there is no more space on screen, the arrow keys can also be used to decide where to place the new window, or to maximize (up) or close it(down)
Awesome videos as always. However much MS pays you, it's not enough. You often do a better job than the entire marketing department at showing all the value in MS's products.
Just quick note though. It appears the second and third videos are the same and I thought you'd want to know. Just me and my OCD here. :-D
Keep up the great blogging. I appreciate much of your work!
The shortcut I use the most in 8.1 is WIN-Q, it let's you stay in desktop while searching everywhere (kinda like the win 7 startmenu).
Thanks for the other videos!
Great tips, thanks Alan!
Great to-the-point videos!
You mentioned an app used to display the hot-keys pressed during the "Using Windows 8.1 with a keyboard" video. I didn't catch the name correctly, and can't find anything on Google. Could you write down the name here?
I just wanted to thank you for the Baby Smash computer game, My 2yr old nephew and 1yr old niece love pressing the keys and saying the letters. I think its helped them both with learning their alphabet. I just wanted to see if by ANY chance you could update it so that the upper case I has the lines to differentiate the lower case L and the upper case I. If you could make that an update that would be Amazing! Anyways keep up all your great work and thanks again for this awesome product!
I think that is it.
Windows 8.1 is a great update. I am really feed up with the no-task bar interface of Windows 8. Great article.
Cheers for the video on using Windows 8.1 full fledgedly just with the keyboard, thanks to the intuitive new shortcut keys.
I learn so much in 30 minutes that I spent a few days figuring out...
Didn't know about the zoom out view or the task menu on the left...
Maybe if Microsoft put you in charge of marketing - cough, cough, people wouldn't be so intimated...
Now if I can just figure some of these flaky bugs, I'll hooked until um... Win 9??? LOL..
Eventually I found the solution. One of the Windows update files is essential but not necessarily automatically downloaded and installed. What you need to do is go to windows update manually and install every update available, only one is essential I think but get the lot in case. After this the Win 8.1 upgrade should go smoothly.
Like James above I have Windows 8.1 running on a netbook, the only problem is windows store needs a minimum 1024x760 screen and the netbook is only 1024x600 at best, fortunately if I use an external monitor with a higher resolution everything store works fine, explain that one.
Not sure if this is documented anywhere and not sure if this 100% correct, but apparently the idea behind this is that Windows assumes closing an app and then immediately starting it again meaning that the app was behaving badly and user's desire was to restart it. A nifty feature, but can imagine it causing some confusion in some scenarios as well. At least this is something to remember when developing & testing Store apps.
We are testing ActiveWords for Windows 8.1.
The beta it is here:
It has the final fix where the edit dialogs now appear on top of the group windows.
The Windows Store App Add Wizard is working great.
You can ink ActiveWords or use the keyboard in any context, whether at the Desktop, Start Screen, or when Windows Store Applications are the current context.
Our plans is to update the version ID to 2.1 and we will notice our customer base and trial users about the upgrade (free to version 2.0 license holders) after more people beat on this.
Our next steps are to build a version that syncs to your cloud repository of choice, then who knows maybe ActiveWords for Mobile devices?
Love to have your feedback and that of your readers.
Burton L. Bruggeman
ActiveWords, Inc./Seattle
And about me
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I really like windows 8 now that I have gotten used to it. But windows 8.1 has put me right back to hating it again. In in bad old days, the minimum you could rely on was that the operating system worked (except ME of course) and that the fundamentals functioned.