Vista Sticky Notes and other updated Applets
I was poking around Windows Vista today, seeing if there was anything I's a few bits of niceness that made me smile. There's a number of updated Applets that are pretty slick, while others haven't changed.
Sticky Notes is meant for use with TabletPCs (or PCs with Wacom Tablets) and includes voice note recording.
They've finally updated Sound Recorder...bummer that the little chart is gone. It saves only WMAs now, not WAVs.
The Clock Applet that comes up when you single-click the time is completely new, with shiny clock art, and the ability to have multiple clocks in different time zones. This is almost worth the price of admission. ;)
Calculator is the same. Lame! They could have done so much!
They did give it a new icon, though. Someone worked hard on that icon, I say.
The On-Screen Keyboard is for accessibility (and I'm sure it will come in useful one day when I have only a mouse and no keyboard and lots of typing to do) but it's not sizable/scaleable, the fonts are poorly anti-aliased, poorly centered, and apparently there wasn't enough room for the "i" in Shift."
I sure like the Windows Features stuff...makes locking a system down a lot easier when I'm in YAGNI mode.
What other Applets have had makeovers?
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Windows Fax and Scan is actually less useful than the Scanner and Camera Wizard in XP, IMHO. Too cluttered, too many steps to do the simple task of scanning a document or picture.
For home users who can't justify the purchase of their own license of Office (at least not when OpenOffice and Google Docs and Spreadsheets are very viable alternatives for occassional at-home use), Windows Calendar is a decent little scheduling app that supports meeting invitations. I still prefer Google Calendar, though, because of its tight integration with Gmail.
Windows DVD Maker is nice for the typical user, particulary one using Windows Movie Maker. A better alternative for the power user is DVD Flick. It's very robust in its handling of just about any codec. When you've got a less-than-reliable cable HD DVR, the combination of DVD Flick and <a href="></a> is a life-saver.
I just noticed Windows Meeting Space... Has anybody used that? Is it any good?
Hey Scott - Feature idea for Das Blog: Since you're adding support for OpenID, and those people using OpenID will be authenticated, why not allow OpenID users to edit their comments?
Windows Mail (OE): Is there a team who worked on it? I assume they are all fired by this time, they did nothing.
Paint & notepad: I like non bloated stuff, but, please, some toolbars and basic features can hurt much.
Best new gadget: Snipping tool.
I hope you are doing well. I work for the National MS Society. I read that you have a personal connection to multiple sclerosis and I thought you might have interest in this exciting and useful news.
The National MS Society has been chosen as one of nine global charities to be part of Microsoft's new "i'm" initiative!
Every time a customer has a conversation using i'm, Microsoft shares a portion of the program's advertising revenue with one of the nine non-profits in the campaign. Microsoft will make a minimum $100,000 guaranteed donation to each of these organizations during the first year of the program, with no cap on how much the organizations can earn!
Customers can participate in and learn more about the i'm Initiative by joining at and downloading the latest version of Windows Live Messenger.
If you feel it is appropriate, we would really appreciate it if you would please share this with your readers. We would love to get the word out about this generous program Microsoft has included us in. Not only is it raising funds for the MS movement, it is bringing worldwide awareness to this disease.
Kevin, it might.
If you launch it from the command prompt with a filename.wav as a parameter, then it will default to saving as WAV files instead of WMA.
Odd that they don't allow you to choose between both from the Save dialog.
There have been huge improvements to Disk Manager -- especially the addition of Dynamic Disk Resizing. The new details found in Task Manager are also pretty nice.
Edddy - the whole idea of notepad is that is ISN'T beefed up - you want beef, use wordpad.
notepad is good for .txt stuff with little to no formatting. And booyah for the snipping tool.
James - to get internet explorer (or ANY app) on the volume mixer, you need to get it to make a sound, whether a default beep, navigation click, or anything. the mixer shows the last few aplications that sent a sound signal to the bus.
Happy vista'ing.
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