Web Services Theory - New Class
My buddy and co-worker Patrick Cauldwell is teaching a new class on Web Services Theory at OIT Portland on 185th and Walker. It'll be Monday and Wedsnesday night at 6pm. Patrick and I worked together in conceiving this class, and we are hoping to make it a three-part series: Web Services Theory, Web Services Applied, and Web Services in the Enterprise.
This is a class that you could send folks from your company to, they just need to enroll in OIT. It's usually very straightforward and the class is inexpensive. Definitely a bargain and a great way to learn about Web Services from a Web Services Architect at Corillian. Patrick also co-wrote a book from Wrox on Web Services, and deisgned the XML and Web Services curriculum at STEP Technology back in the day. (Disclaimer: This class is not affiliated with Corillian in any way, it's given at the Oregon Insititute of Technology, a university in the Oregon State System of Higher Education.) Spread the word!
I'll be teaching CST 407 Web Services Theory at the Oregon Institute of Technology (OIT) this summer. The class is Monday and Wednesday evenings for 4 weeks, June 21nd - July 14th. Registration is open if you are interested. I'll be focusing on the theorectical aspects of Web Services and Service Orientation, so if you're interested in getting a good grounding in that part of Web Services, come on down! [Patrick Cauldwell]
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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