Welll that sucks...more quotas and limits on the Smart Watch
Crapola. Got this error message today, from the Outlook plug-in that syncs my Calendar with the MSNDirect Smart Watch services.
Sync started at 03/15/2004 10:09:49
Add of [Appt: Some Appt.] failed: You have exceeded your monthly quota of calendar updates.
Lovely that they TOLD me this. Crappy that it's the 15th of the damn month and I'm now sans-wrist-calendar until 4/1.
Update: Joel Grossman, the VERY amicable Lead Program Manager for SPOT at Microsoft has fixed this "bug" and I'm back syncing a few hours later! How's that for customer service. This is why I say Microsoft isn't 30,000 people in 1 company, it's 30 people in 1000 little companies. Thanks Joel!
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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[ ] Nah, what-a-waste.
[ ] Eh, kinda cool ~
[ ] Man, should seriously consider.
[ ] Damn, you gotta get one!
[ ] Other?
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On their legal disclaimer page, http://direct.msn.com/about/agreement.aspx, section 3.2, paragraph two:
The Service includes a monthly limitation on the number of personal messages that you may receive through MSN Messenger. If Microsoft enables the Service to provide additional messages through MSN Messenger (up to a maximum limit), additional fees will be due if you choose to increase your monthly limitation. If you are using a Microsoft Windows operating system on your personal computer, you may also choose to send your Microsoft Outlook calendar appointments to your Watch. To enable this feature, you must install additional software from the Site to your personal computer. There is a separate limit on the number of calendar appointments that you may receive, which may not be increased.
Looks like you're hosed, man. And with no recourse but to cancel service. That sucks.