Went to PDC? Get into DevDays free...
I like to think I "got my start" at DevDays. I've been doing DevDays in Portland since before the .COM days. I used to think it was an annual thing, then one year there just wasn't one. But, DevDays is back.
They're live, local, fun, silly, powerful and chock-full of goodness. I'm a lot less concerned about being dragged off the stage at DevDays that I am at TechEd or PDC, so I KNOW I'll be having a blast. I usually sneak some fun stuff in to make sure the audience is paying attention.
I'm going to give Session 4: Developing Secure Web Applications—Examining an End-To-End, Hack-Resilient Application, and Patrick Cauldwell is doing two Smart Client talks...and the man knows his stuff, my friends.
Be sure not to miss your local DevDays. If you missed TechEd or PDC, go to DevDays. As a bonus, if you attended PDC, you get in FREE. There's some great speakers this year (I've seen the list) and a lot more 3rd party involvement than in previous years.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Thanks for the tip, though. Hopefully I can make this work...
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Thanks for the info!