Wireless Electricity BLOCKQUOTE dirltr s
"Fresh from the 'used to be sci-fi' file, you may soon be able to charge your mobile gadgets without the use of any wires, ports, connectors, or cradles. MobileWise, a California-based semiconductor company, is demonstrating a product called the Wire-Free-Electricity Base, a large mousepad-like mat that sits on the desktop. When combined with a Wire-Free-Electricity Adapter that is mounted in or on mobile devices, you can charge and power devices like cell phones, PDAs, and laptops just by setting them on top of the pad. MobileWise won[base ']t sell this technology directly to consumers; instead, it is looking to partner with vendors that will integrate it into devices or sell add-on adapters." [PDABuzz.com]
This is quickly becoming a high priority on my list. The battery on the notebook is nearing death; it's down to 20 minutes without a power cord, and that's if you make it a candlelight dinner and talk nice to it first. The house has wireless internet access but more and more, I find myself tethered to a power outlet. This particular product may not be the most ideal solution, but I need this next step!
Syndicated from [The Shifted Librarian] [deeje.com] [Simon Fell]
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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