XmlDevCon: SVG with Don Demcsak
Don "XML" Demcsak is presenting on SVG. The talk is a little scattered and tangential, but a decent overview to those unfamiliar with SVG. (As an aside, I'd point him and others to my tips on presenting. The zeroth step - IMHO - to a public presentation is Font Size. Also, Arial or Courier are NOT appropriate fonts for code. That's what monospaced san-serif fonts like Lucida Console Sans are for.) Don is talking about using SVG to generate Declarative UIs. SVG is rockin' sweet, but the fact that the SVG Control from Adobe hasn't been updated in a year+ and still doesn't pass all the SVG conformance tests makes me wonder how useful of a standard it is. But, sigh, such is standards, eh?
He also points us to the new SVG player on the block, Corel and their Smart Graphics Studio. Apparently though it's slighly proprietary.
I consider Patrick Cauldwell (another speaker and a good friend who I worked with on 800.com) to a be an informed fellow on the subject of SVG generated UIs. I believe, though, they are moving away from SVG in favor of a NTD approach. Generating UIs with SVG is just dammed irritating and if you're going to download a 3 meg ActiveX control (Adobe's) why not just go with a RICH fully featured phat client.
So, does that mean that SVG will just be relegated to describing icons for Gnome?
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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