Scott Hanselman

Z at Seven Months - A look back

July 19, 2006 Comment on this post [11] Posted in Bugs | Parenting | Tools | Z
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Wow. From...

 to CIMG5590 seven and a half months. Madness I say.

This little man is heck on wheels. The first day I met him...

...he was eyes wide open. He spent a few months on and off tummy time...

...and rolled over shortly thereafter. Crawling came four months later...

...but the shock to me was that he was sitting up one Tuesday, crawling that Thursday and now has taken to standing on things. We found him trying to climb out of his crib. Mo caught him trying to eat the toilet plunger (Full story on Mo's Blog). He really wants to walk, but just doesn't know how. So, standing will do for now.



He's a joy each day and I'm blessed beyond comprehension to know this guy.

Lessons learned at Seven Months

  • Anything two feet off the floor or below will be put in the mouth. This includes peas from last week found in a corner as well as bugs and dust. At least the latter two are protein.
  • Baby's are as surprised as I am when they poop without warning. Has there been an earthquake? 
  • Other people's babys are cute, but they are scary, fragile, and often smell bad. YOUR baby, on the other hand, smells like roses all the time and can be thrown around like a sack of potatoes to peals of laughter and giggles.
  • When your baby isn't quite a crawler but definitely not a toddler, he's a wobbler.
  • Nothings better in this world than the look of recognition your baby gets on his face when you come home from work and he gets that look that says "Hey! It's that guy again, he's back! Woohoo! He's hilarious!"
  • Water and the laws of physics in general may not be consistent, so we'll need to test them over and over and over again. Will the spoon fall this time? Wow, it did. I wonder now?
  • There's only 365 days in this first year. Squeeze every one of them.

Baby Posts

And now back to the technology...

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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July 19, 2006 10:40
Congrats man, he's a rotund baby now ;-)
July 19, 2006 15:59
Kids are great. Don't ever trade the time with them for anything.

A wise friend once said "Your kids will never come to you when they are adults and say "Dad, thanks for all that time you spent at the office making money. I really appreciate it"".

July 19, 2006 17:29
"Nothings better in this world than the look of recognition your baby gets on his face when you come home from work and he gets that look that says 'Hey! It's that guy again, he's back! Woohoo! He's hilarious!'"

Wait until you get the running "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" with arms wide open ready for that hug. That's my favorite!

Enjoy every moment, Scott, they go by faster than you can imagine.
July 19, 2006 19:22
Regarding the second to last picture...looks like you already have him on a workout program. Pushups? :)

I agree with Coleman. My 2-1/2 year old daughter is in that stage now and it's awesome to come home to!
July 19, 2006 20:15
The coolest part about kids is that they keep getting more fun as they get older. The next seven months will be even better than the first.
July 19, 2006 22:42
Great to hear! I can't wait until my son does that! I have three more months to go for the seventh mark!
July 19, 2006 23:39
Holy Baby Doo! I almost clicked on a google ad for the first time in my life. "Potty Train Your Baby - fast and easy".

Z's looking great! Go dad.

Fortunately, my 23-1/2 month old, Kiera, is *almost* out of diapers. Here's how I did it (free of charge:)
0: purchase baby potty and introduce it as throne.
1: shortly after Z drinks a full cup of liquid, run him to potty while removing diaper (make it fun).
2: submerge hand in warm cup of water (ahhhh, relaxation)
3: reward successful effort with special treat (Kiera got ice cream) and dancing/bouncing/laughing clapping (make it an event).
4: after a few successes (over 2-3 weeks in my case), replace special treat with healthy treat. Whenever Kiera goes now, I give her a little smiley face sticker which she gets to place on the inside of her toilet seat, like an Ohio State linebacker's helmet. She doesn't miss the ice cream.

Oh, and avoid allowing Z to use the big toilet. One little girl Kiera knows was allowed to (insisted on it, actually) and the first time she pooped: BACKSPLASH. Now, she's afraid to go potty, won't wear a diaper, and is constipated all the time. Bad doodoo.
July 20, 2006 1:04
Congrats, Scott. Z seems to be always smiling in his pictures! Even though he can't speak intelligibly yet, that says a lot!

July 20, 2006 4:35
Congrats, Scott... Z looks like a happy kid. We have two young girls and I'd add the following to the list of 7 month observations (inspired by the water/laws of physics item):

Things that WE think were funny just the first few times will ALWAYS funny to a child under 1 yr old. Need proof? Get the "I'll drop this out of my high chair and Dad will pick it up" game going. Then try to stop the game. Good luck.
July 21, 2006 4:47
Water and the laws of physics in general may not be consistent, so we'll need to test them over and over and over again. Will the spoon fall this time? Wow, it did. I wonder now?

My boys are 17 months, and they STILL do this. :) very cute little boy. Enjoy every minute of it. I remember when I used to say I can't wait til they can crawl so they can come to me, when they did, I missed the cuddle time. Now as they run circles around me and scream at each other playing chasey, I just smile. They grow up SO fast.
July 22, 2006 20:11
Time for kids contest? ;-)

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